Our LGBTQ+ Ministry is sharing stories during June, Pride Month. Today's story comes from Angel Michael Cobb, a member of the LGBTQ+ Ministry Leadership Team.
Our LGBTQ+ Ministry will be sharing stories during June, Pride Month, from its members and leadership. Today, we share Patrick and Daniel's reflection.
Our LGBTQ+ Ministry will be sharing stories during June, Pride Month, from its members and leadership. Today, we share Melody's reflection. She is a member of the Leadership Team.
Along with the rest of America, St. Paul’s LGBTQ+ Ministry is celebrating Pride Month. After reading, and re-reading what Mary Lou White wrote in last Sunday’s bulletin, I felt compelled to share my history with the LGBTQ+ community.
Our LGBTQ+ Ministry will be sharing stories during June, Pride Month, from its members and leadership. Today, we share Mary Lou's reflection. She is a member of the Leadership Team
We don't need to understand others to see the Divine in them. We don't need to understand the mystery of the human person to love like Jesus taught us.
“Sin is the failure to bother to love.” James Keenan, S.J., wrote those words in his book, A History of Catholic Theological Ethics. I just finished reading it. In a few weeks a good friend and colleague told me they will be "coming out" and sharing their story as a transgender person. I pray the Church is loving, that everyone is loving. Anything less is sin.
by Stan “JR” Zerkowski, Executive Director, Fortunate Families
"As Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, the Prefect of the Dicastery, emphasized in the press conference launching the document, Dignitas infinita’s core message is that “[e]very human person possesses an infinite dignity, inalienably grounded in his or her very being, which prevails in and beyond every circumstance, state, or situation the person may ever encounter” (1)." "The Declaration identifies a long list of “grave violations of human dignity”... Near the end of this list are two examples of “violations” which most directly affect transgender people: “gender theory” and “sex change.” Unfortunately, these sections continue a pattern among church documents of interpreting the experiences of transgender people through the lens of an ill-defined ideology of gender."
It is necessary for me to clear up a lie that the protesters told the media; they were not simply protesting an image of Mary that they did not like. Here is their rationale for the protest and for a petition, taken from their own website. As you can see, their agenda goes far beyond an image they don't like.