In the Gospel today, Jesus asks “Who are my mother and my brothers?” He quickly answers his own question, explaining to those around him that they are his family. “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.” With this simple sentence Jesus reiterates what he makes clear in the Gospel again and again: we are all connected, we are all family, we are all one in the Body of Christ. This basic truth underpins much of what we do at St. Paul and much of what we do throughout the Diocese. This basic truth inspires much of what we do as Catholics throughout the world. When we recognize each other as brother, sister, mother, father, and family, we easily recognize the sanctity and worth each person possesses, we easily see the beauty in their soul, and we easily see their importance. When we view each other as family, it is easy to welcome the outcast, to put the needs of the poor ahead of our own, and to respect the dignity of everyone. When we recognize one another as family it is easy to identify with the refrain, “All are welcome in this place!”
But our recognition of our common kinship as believers in Christ and followers of God need not be limited to the space inside the four walls of Historic St. Paul Catholic Church. Sadly, much of our family is outside these walls, and our calling is to bring them back in. Through our outreach programs we hope to do just that.
Please consider joining us at the Lexington Pride Festival on June 29 to reach out to our LGBTQ sisters, brothers, and mothers. Consider taking an Appalachian Immersion Pilgrimage in August or October to reach out to our mountain holler sisters, brothers, and mothers. Help us prepare food this month for the Catholic Action Center, or volunteer at our Open Door Lunch Ministry and reach out to our homeless sisters, brothers, and mothers. Join our Hispanic sisters, brothers, and mothers in their celebrations and liturgies here at St. Paul. Or maybe help us start a new ministry to some family members out there we have overlooked.
We would love to hear from you as we all work toward embracing, welcoming, and loving our wonderful Christian family. For whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother!
Peace, Dcn. Steve
From the Pastor
A few reminders for this weekend:
Congratulations to all those receiving confirmation with Bishop John today at the 10:00 am mass (English), 3:00 pm mass (Spanish), and 7:00 pm mass (Spanish). We will list all the names of our con firmandi in next week’s bulletin.
A funeral mass for parishioner Peggy Burgio will be celebrated on Saturday, June 22 at 11:00 am in the church. May she rest in peace!
Sister Clara’s 70 th anniversary as an Ursuline Sister is just three weeks away on Saturday, June 29 be ginning with 4 pm mass with Bishop John and followed by a cookout with the Knights of Columbus. If you weren’t at mass a couple of weeks ago when I asked Sister to step out of the church for a secret an nouncement, then please ask me about the secret surprise we are planning for Sister Clara. For the cook out, please share a dish or food item from the list below according to your last name: A – G: fruit salad, potato salad, cole slaw, pasta salad H – L: sliced tomatoes, sliced onions, fresh cucumbers, carrots, celery, peppers, with dip M – R: drinks, chips/dip/salsa, (beer is provided) S-Z: desserts
In the heart of Jesus, Fr. Richard
The Little Mountain School
So far we have raised $29,448.00 with our coffee sales for the Little Mountain School in Guatemala. Thank you for your support. Image: English Teachers: Claudia, Jeniffer, Alejandra
Open Door Lunch Ministry
During the month of May 2024, we provided 736 guests with lunches. Thank You to all who continue to supply and volunteer to make this possible. Blessings to all.
If you would like to donate, we accept lunch related items such as: water, chips, cookies, soft fruit (bananas, grapes, oranges), cupped fruits, crackers, snack bars, etc. You may bring these donations to the office between 12:00-12:30 Monday-Friday or when you come to Mass on the weekend.
Volunteer at the Catholic Action Center
St. Paul purchases and prepares a meal for 150 people on the third weekend of every month. Many hands are needed this coming weekend! Contact Susan Brown to help:[email protected]; 859-536-0571