Kroger Community Rewards: Just by shopping at Kroger, our quarterly report amounted to $419.49. Thank you to all who have linked their Kroger card! Please follow the instructions (click here) to link your card (our linking number is "JA381")
Rosary Prayer: Join us all of October, 30 minutes before Mass to pray the Rosary. We are looking for volunteers to lead us in the prayer! Please consider signing up on the sheet by the side door before or after mass. If you have any questions, please contact the office 859-252-0738 [email protected]
Holiday Craft Sale: Saturday, October 19th, 3:30-5pm; Sunday, October 20th, 9:30-2:30pm. Hosted by our Fiber Arts Service Group. For more information, contact Laura Grady 859-533-6504.
The month of October each year is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. This is primarily due to the fact that the liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated annually on October 7. This feast was instituted to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary in gratitude for the protection that she gives the Church in answer to the praying of the Rosary by the faithful. The feast was introduced by Pope St. Pius V (1504- 1572) in the year 1571 to commemorate the miraculous victory of the Christian forces in the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571. Legend tells us that the Rosary as a form of prayer was originally given to St. Dominic (1170-1221) by Mary, the Mother of Our Lord. Throughout the Middle Ages, the Dominican Order further refined and promoted the Rosary, with the young Dominican friar, Henry Kalkar (1328-1408), dividing the Hail Marys into decades, with each decade referring to an event in the life of Jesus and Mary. The Dominican, Alanus de Rupe (1428-1478) further divided the episodes in the history of salvation into the joyful, sorrowful and glorious mysteries.
Pope St. Pius V, himself a Dominican, officially approved the Rosary in its present form in 1569. The practice of dedicating the entire month of October to the Holy Rosary developed toward the end of the 19th century. Pope Leo XIII (papacy: 1878-1903) strongly promoted the increase of devotion to the Blessed Mother by encouraging the constant use of the Rosary.
Later Popes have continued to promote the Rosary. Pope Pius XII (papacy: 1939-1958) said that the Rosary is " a compendium of the entire Gospel." John Paul II called the Rosary his favorite prayer, in which we meditate with Mary upon the mysteries which she as a mother meditated on in her heart.
Let's continue this tradition of praying the Rosary, using our beautiful Rosary Garden located between the church and the school. We have sign up sheets for those who wish to lead the Rosary, or just come and participate. In this coming month of October, let us consider this beautiful prayer of the Rosary as a means that we can use to draw closer to Jesus and Mary by meditating on the great mysteries of our salvation.
Peace, Dcn. Steve
St. Paul purchases and prepares a meal for 150 people on the third weekend of every month. Contact Susan Brown to help: [email protected] | 859-536-0571
Open Door Lunch Ministry
During the month of August 2024, we provided 653 guests with lunches. Thank You to all who continue to supply and volunteer to make this possible. Blessings to all.
If you would like to donate, we accept lunch related items such as: water, chips, cookies, soft fruit (bananas, grapes, oranges), cupped fruits, crackers, snack bars, etc. You may bring these donations to the office between 9:00 AM —4:00 PM Monday-Friday or when you come to Mass on the weekend.