Tomorrow (Monday, 29 July), our diocese will ritually celebrate the life and burial of the mortal remains of Fr. Norman Fischer.
In the early years, when I was experiencing particular difficulties here establishing LGBTQ+ Ministry, I sought out Fr. Norman’s counsel. I met with him at St. Peter Claver and he gave me some advice, convincing me that God was calling me to this ministry, dispelling my doubts and darkness. He prayed with me and blessed me in many ways during that meeting.
A few years ago, when I was asking priests to sign a statement in support of LGBTQ+ Youth, I knew I’d encounter some pushback. Fr. Norman supported my effort and asked me to believe in his brother priests’ goodness even if they didn’t want to sign the document. Many signed the document, over fifty percent of the Lexington Presbyterate. Fr. Norman sent me an email, “I believe in you and thank you for believing in us!”
We had our share of differences of opinions; who agrees with everyone about everything? He was a friend to LGBTQ+ Ministry and LGBTQ+ people.
A trans student who found days very difficult at Lexington Catholic High School, sometimes nearly unbearable, took my advice and asked to speak with Fr. Norman. That student told me, “I finally felt like my personal darkness faded with the light that Fr. Norm brought me.”
LGBTQ+ Ministry is grateful for the life and ministry of Fr. Norman Fischer. Without Fr. Norman's ear on that fateful afternoon in the early years, I wonder if we would have LGBTQ+ Ministry here at Historic Saint Paul or in the diocese.
You can be sure I will be praying to Fr. Norman from now on, asking for his intercession. I'm ready for miracles because "God is good all the time. And all the time, God is good!" Fr. Norman told us that. And I believe it 100%!
This week (Monday through Friday) July 29 – August 2, I will be attending the annual national retreat of the Priests of the Heart of Jesus. Members of this Secular Institute of Consecrated Life will be meeting at Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center in Bloomington, Indiana. Please pray for me and my brother priests of the Institute.
On behalf of the Mt. Tabor Benedictines, I would like to thank you all for your warm hospitality this past weekend. I felt so at home. You all make the Celebration of the Eucharist, just that, a Celebration of life. Thank you.
I hope to come back sometime in the near future to worship with you all again. Thank you for your generous spirit both in donations to Mt. Tabor and the Sisters and your prayers.
You are a parish that is “Building Justice, Embracing inclusiveness and advocating mercy.” May you all continue to be blessed knowing that God is with you in all you do.