A reminder that per recent communications you were informed that you may contact me to schedule the Sacrament of Reconciliation. You may call the church office at 859.252.0738 and press 1 to reach me and leave a message or you may call or text my mobile at 859.420.4182 to schedule confession. Please call during the weekdays only. In order to observe the necessary social distancing directives, I am hearing confessions in my office at Brossart House. I am happy to make this sacrament available to anyone who wishes to receive it.
I would also like to share the following communication from Bishop John concerning the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
It is our tradition that when sacramental confession is not possible, perfect contrition obtains the forgiveness of sins, even mortal sins (cf. CCC#1452). Perfect contrition simply requires: the love of God, the sincere desire for forgiveness, and the commitment to receive the sacrament of reconciliation when possible.
Please continue to monitor St. Paul social media for updates on Palm Sunday, Holy Week, the Triduum, and Easter. Our Sunday masses from Historic St. Paul Church will continue to be made available on-line for you to view by 4 pm on Saturdays. Please note and spread the word, you do not need Facebook to access our streamed Sunday masses. You simply need to go to our parish website (saintpaul.cdlex.org) to access the mass. I hope you will participate in Mass remotely with me. Believe me when I say, “You are missed at Mass”!
With prayers for health, peace, and blessings during this difficult time.