Dear Parishioners and Friends of Historic Saint Paul Parish,
I hope you are staying home, staying healthy, and staying close to God.
With Holy Week nearly upon us, I, together with our Communication Ministry, would like to offer you the following ways to enhance your journey through these sacred days.
Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday Masses
Live Streamed from Historic St. Paul Church
Historic Saint Paul Parish will offer a live stream Palm Sunday Mass in English at 10am on April 5 and a live stream Easter Sunday Mass in English at 10am on April 12. Live Stream Mass in Spanish will follow the Masses in English at 11:45am. We offer this live stream, so we can come together on these two holy days - virtually at the same time - and offer our worship together.
These Masses will be accessible via our parish Facebook page and our parish website where you will find a live feed of the Facebook page After the live feed, they will be posted so you may view them at your convenience.
Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Great Vigil of Easter
As a sign of our unity with every sister and brother in the Diocese of Lexington you are encouraged to virtually gather around the Lord’s Table at our cathedral with Bishop John for the modified Triduum Services: Diocesan Chrism Mass (bilingual) Tuesday, April 7 at 10am,
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper (bilingual) at 7:30 pm, Good Friday Service English at 3pm and Spanish at 4:30pm,
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil (bilingual) at 9pm.
Accessing the Chrism Mass and Triduum Masses with Bishop John
You can watch via live feed on the Cathedral of Christ the King Facebook page
You can go to the cathedral website and watch the feed there
Our Online Weekly Bulletin
Our bulletin is accessible online at
Constant Contact Parish Emails & News
If you are not receiving parish emails and perhaps had this email forwarded to you, or if you know of someone who is not receiving emails from our parish, one can sign up to receive the latest news by clicking this link and by entering your contact information after clicking on STAY CONNECTED at the top right of the page.
Parish Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe
Mother, under your protection we place ourselves,
our parish,
our city,
our Commonwealth,
our nation,
all nations,
and our entire world.
To whom shall we turn if not you, our Mother?
Pray for us to Jesus.
At the wedding at Cana your word so moved your Son’s heart
that the miraculous happened:
nature responded to His word
and water turned into wine.
Speak a word to Jesus for we who live in fear and danger;
ask your Son to speak a miraculous word to nature once again
to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Mother, when you appeared to Juan Diego
You said:
“Hear me and understand well, my son,
that nothing should frighten or grieve you.
Let not your heart be disturbed.
Do not fear that sickness,
nor any other sickness or anguish.
Am I not here, who is your Mother?”
Stay with us, Mother.
Help us, help, we pray.
- Prayer composed by Stan “JR” Zerkowski
17 March 2020
Be a Blessing to Others
Remember to be a blessing to others in whatever way/ways you can do it safely. A telephone call; a Zoom/Facetime (or some other platform) meet-up; praying for others – especially our medical teams and those who still serve us in grocery stores, restaurants, and so many other ways; offering to grocery shop or pick up medication for someone you know cannot get out. Maintaining the state and federal social distancing regulations is being a blessing to others. Staying well at home is being a blessing to others. Find some way to be a blessing to others – you can do that by just staying at home.
Offertory Collections and Sacrificial Giving
These are difficult days for many because of job insecurity or job loss; these are also difficult days for your parish. We operate on a very tight budget and we watch every cent we spend. Please go online if you have not already done it and set up your weekly offertory giving so we can continue to pay our bills. You can do it via our website by clicking here
You can send your weekly offering in to our parish by mail, also, to
St. Paul Church, 501 West Short Street, Lexington, KY, 40507
Please share as you are able and know that we are all still working hard to be the Heart of Jesus in our city and a blessing to you, our parishioners and friends.
Finally, please pray for me and for our staff and those stewards who are working to help us stay connected through email, Facebook, our website, and through the filming of our Masses. Our parish is richly blessed with incredibly generous people. Please remember them in your prayer even as we remember all who are ill with COVID19, those transitioning from this life to the next, and those who have died – especially those who have no one to pray for them.
In Corde Iesu,
Fr. Richard Watson