Dear Parishioners and Friends of Historic Saint Paul Parish,
Last Holy Week and Easter we were unable to gather for mass and our Easter Sunday offertory was down $10,000.00 from the prior year. This year, we are not able to fill the church and must adhere to 6-foot social distancing and protocols mandated by the Diocese of Lexington for everyone’s safety.
Unlike the cathedral parish of Christ the King or Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary we don’t have a large social hall, nor do we have a gymnasium to offer extra masses. Our historic buildings and being in the center of the city restrict our options. We have no place for overflow seating and are unable to use the school because of health concerns. Even filling our parking lot for overflow is not an option since we have 50 parking spots augmented by street parking that can barely accommodate mass-goers. We are, however, offering an added 8am mass in addition to our 10am mass in English together with the 12:45pm and 7pm masses in Spanish on Easter Sunday.
We are asking you – our parishioners and friends – to make a special effort to share a special Easter offering with us because, frankly, we cannot afford to take a $10,000.00 hit again this year. Would you consider sharing a bit more with us or intentionally sharing again if you have not been? Maybe you have a few extra dollars to share from your stimulus fund or perhaps you have just been really blessed and can share something extra. We need to achieve $20,000 in our Easter offertory this year. Since COVID19 precautions preclude crowds in the church building, we are reaching out to you for help.
Our parishioners and friends have been very generous this year and while we thank you for your generosity, we need to ask you to help us yet again. Can you help us realize our $20,000.00 Easter offertory goal? It will take all of us – together – parishioners and friends of Historic Saint Paul Parish to meet this goal.
You can share online by going to our website’s secure giving platform at and click on DONATE. You can mail your check to our parish office at 501 West Short Street, Lexington, KY 40507. You can have your bank issue a draft to us, do a direct deposit, or you can contribute via our online giving through our Facebook page. The important thing is that we all give.
As we celebrate the promise of New Life, please consider sharing something extra this Easter.