Effective Monday, June 29, 2020, Governor Beshear has provided for groups of up to fifty (50) people to gather/meet. The Directives and Guidelines below, which are conform to the state of Kentucky guidance, are for all gatherings/meetings outside of the public celebration of liturgy (see for Directives and Guidelines for the Resumption of Masses and other Liturgies during COVID-19) in the Catholic Diocese of Lexington until further notice.
DIRECTIVES (Not Optional)
• Gatherings/Meetings of up to fifty (50) people during the course of regular parish business must abide by that parish’s Healthy at Work guidance (see for minimum requirements mandated by the state of Kentucky).
• Gatherings/Meetings of non-Church groups of up to fifty (50) people on parish grounds or in parish facilities are not permitted at this time.
• Church Groups of up to fifty (50) people must:
- Communicate to individuals to stay home if sick and not attend a group event;
- Encourage group members who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 to avoid in-
person gatherings and remain Healthy at Home;
- Practice social distancing of at least six (6) feet apart from people who are not part
of one’s household at all times;
- Wear a cloth face covering or mask over the nose and mouth (except when eating or
- Screen and exclude persons with fever, symptoms of COVID-19, and/or direct
exposure to COVID-19;
- NOT share food, drink, containers, plates, napkins, or utensils; and
GUIDELINES (At Discretion of Parish Leadership)
• Church Groups of up to fifty (50) people should:
- Socialize/meet via the internet, telephone, and other means that allow people to
the greatest extent possible;
- Limit the gathering size to the smallest number of people practicable;
- Sanitize bathrooms and other high-touch surfaces frequently, ideally before and
after each use whenever possible;
- Discourage people from sharing items such as tools, sporting equipment, vehicles,
cooking/grilling ware, and other high-touch objects;
- Avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth; and
- Post signs to discourage handshakes, “high-fives,” and other direct person-to-person
contact to reduce social pressure to engage in these common behaviors.