Long after the final Christmas Carol is sung, when the crowds have left the church building, in those precious hours when our Lord is alone in our tabernacle on Christmas Day and throughout the Christmas season the Christmas plants stand as silent sentinels, giving glory to God as they represent souls precious to us.
Original article: If you would like your loved ones memorialized in our Christmas bulletin and on our parish website this Christmas, please fill out the red form found at the side entrance of the church. A ten-dollar ($10) donation for each family name you would like listed is appreciated, as you are able.
Please return the form and your donation in an envelope marked CHRISTMAS MEMORIALS and place it in the offertory basket, bring it to the church office, or mail it to the church office BEFORE DECEMBER 16.
Then, after we celebrate the wonder of the Incarnation here at Historic Saint Paul you will know that in silent beauty your loved ones are remembered before our Eucharistic Lord.