Same-sex couples seeking a blessing should contact Father Richard at 859.420.4182 or [email protected]
Click here to read the Declaration from the Vatican Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith
The Church is called to recognize in each person their God-given dignity. We provide a sacred and safe space for LGBTQ+ Catholics to share their life and faith. By sharing their unique gifts in community with us they are treated with respect, compassion and sensitivity, their dignity is defended, preserved, and celebrated. LGBTQ+ Catholics - their families and friends, too - are brought back HOME to take their rightful place in their Church, accepted and loved for exactly who they are, just as God made them.
On October 13, 2023, Stan "JR" Zerkowski, Director of LGBTQ+ Ministry, received a handwritten note from Pope Francis. The English translation: “Dear brother, thank you very much for your email. Thank you for your ministry. I pray for you, please continue to do so for me. May the Lord bless you and the Madonna watch over you. Fraternally, Francis”
Message to Catholic LGBT Ministry from the Bishop of Lexington, John Stowe, OFM Conv.
Bishop John Stowe wrote this message to the LGBTQ+ community which was distributed at the 2019 Lexington Pride Festival:
"Dear Sisters and Brothers,
I greet you warmly and offer you my prayers on your behalf during this celebration of Pride.
Psalm 139, a prayer attributed to King David,
celebrates God's intimate knowledge and deep love
of each son and daughter
he has made in his image and likeness.
In part, the psalm reads, "you formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb.
I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works!"
(Psalm 139: 13-14 New American Bible)
My prayer is that each of us can celebrate that glorious discovery
of how we are made and loved by a God who knows us intimately
and who calls us to a deeper relationship with Himself.
When we acknowledge this in ourselves, we have to be able to see this beauty in each other.
There are so many things which can divide us,
let's all come together in recognition that we are wonderfully made
and we are made to reflect the glory of God.
Peace and all good,
Bishop John Stowe, OFM Conv.
Catholic Diocese of Lexington"
(Please do not reproduce nor use without expressed permission )
Mother, the rainbow is the lasting sign of God's covenant; as God's love wrapped you in grace, may it also wrap your LGBTQ+ children and assure them of God's love.
accompany your daughters and sons
who are on the peripheries:
exiled and banished children.
Comfort those whose hearts are broken
because they have been rejected
and dwell in the Valley of Tears.
Turn, then, most gracious advocate,
your eyes of mercy toward us
and all who wait
to be included, accepted, loved,
and treated with
respect, compassion, and sensitivity.
Wrap us in the mantle
of your love and maternal pride,
and lead us to Jesus.
Mother of Fortunate Families, pray for us!
(Prayer composed by Stan “JR” Zerkowski)