Care of creation is important to Historic Saint Paul Catholic Church as a form of outreach to the entire community including our local neighbors, but also our neighbors throughout the state, nation, and globe. The Earth is our common home and caring for it means caring for all the people, plants, and animals within it. At St. Paul, we seek justice for all, especially the marginalized, and caring for all creation ensures the problems and challenges of all people are addressed.
Historic Saint Paul's Laudato Si' Committee has developed an action plan to address this need in our community and parish. Our plan aligns with the Catholic Diocese of Lexington's Laudato Si' Action Plan, inspired by Pope Francis' encyclical on care for our common home. We join the global Catholic community in responding to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor. Please check out the global
Laudato Si Action Platform here.
We are committed to making sustainable choices in our parish life. One example is our recent switch to reusable ceramic mugs for coffee and donuts after Mass, eliminating single-use containers.