Those are some of the saddest words I hear from people who could have been sharing their time and talent - themselves - in ministry with our parish or any parish anywhere.
If you ever felt a little tug, a little voice somewhere down deep - if the Spirit has been nudging you to consider ministry at our parish, I am asking you and inviting you to act on it.
We need people who will proclaim the Word of God at weekend Mass. We need people to distribute the Sacred Body and Blood of Jesus at Mass. We need people to learn how to set up for Mass, serving as sacristans. We need people to greet others and make sure our environment is welcoming, tidy, and friendly for parishioners and visitors who come through our doors. We need you. We need your commitment of time and talent.
Our dream is to increase the ranks of our LECTORS, EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION, and SACRISTANS. From there we can move on and try to increase the ranks of other ministries, too.
On Saturday, February 8 after the 4pm Mass, and on Sunday, February 9 after the 10am Mass, we are asking all those involved in any of these ministries and anyone who would like to become involved in these ministries to stay about 15 minutes after Mass for a brief meeting.
If you'd like to become a Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Greeter, or Sacristan - we'll provide the shadowing, the training, the support you need - please think about reaching out to me at[email protected] or just come to one of the after-Mass meetings.
Your parish is asking and inviting. We need you.
Think about it, pray about it, and realize that you are a vital part of our parish and our worship.