Greetings and Peace on this “ordinary” Sunday. Long daylight days and warm weather can easily put us in a complacent mood regarding our relationship with God. This is Amos in today’s first reading. He had carved out a life plan that fit his desire. So, when God called him to “Go prophesy to the people of Israel” Amos was not happy. He was content in his ordinary environment: shepherding his flock and caring for his sycamore trees.
Have you ever heard God calling you to do something that you thought was too difficult? Something that was not in your plan?
God has a plan for each of us. It may not be as dramatic as preaching to the people of Israel, or as challenging as the directives Jesus required of his apostles in today’s gospel. (Mark 6:7-13). The apostles were to leave their material possessions at home, and to place all their trust in the Holy spirit to guide and protect them as they walked from village to village.
As disciples of Jesus, our power to follow God’s plan for us flows from the fountain of grace we received at baptism. In this time of political turmoil in our own country and in nations throughout the world, God is calling us to be the present-day Amos, holding fast to the values that define us as Christians and as citizens. We must be the voices of justice, and truth, always exercising reverence for each person. This is not the time to be timid or indifferent.
While we have time, let us do good. Sr. Clara
A Note from sister clara
Thanks to ALL of you for making my Jubilee celebration such a wonderful event. Thanks, also for generous contribution toward "Church has Left the Building ministries” - Catholic Action Center and Open Door lunches. I am so blessed to be a member of this faith community!
I will be away on vacation from July 8-16. Please see the bulletin for the mass schedule in my absence. Fr. Larry Hehman and Bishop John will be covering weekend masses. For sacramental emergencies please phone the office at 252-0738.
Save the Date: Our 2nd annual mission trip to the Little Mountain School in Guatemala will be February 17-25, 2025. More details coming soon.
Bilingual pilgrimage (English and Spanish) with Fr. Richard Watson, Pastor of Historic Saint Paul Catholic Church, and Deacon Ramon Alfaro. Where: Medjugorje, Fatima, Lourdes Trip Dates: June 11-20, 2025 Cost: $4,999.00 Airfare and ALL-Included To register, please contact (855) 842-8001 or (508) 340-9370. You can also register online at