Donation and Service Opportunities
Dear Parishioners and Visitors, “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit.” (1 Corinthians 12:4)The Holy Spirit has given each of us a gift to be shared with others.
“Reflecting upon the service this past semester, the acts of service that stand out the most to me are sending cards to the sick, participation in canned food drives, and donating gifts going to underprivileged children. The cards to the sick reinforce positive words of affirmation. It’s great for them to know that there are people praying over them for their well-being. Canned food drives are essential for caring for all of God’s children. Many people in our own community are starving and we should do whatever we can to prevent it. Even if it’s as little as a few meals. Many children are so focused on eating that they don’t even have time to stop and enjoy things. I know firsthand people who are underprivileged who were on the receiving end of a toy drive. It was such a great surprise, and it meant a lot and helped boost overall morale. Acts of kindness are contagious and it’s good to spread love. Not only is service important for the person receiving the act, but it’s also fulfilling for the person serving. Service is very rewarding to both parties. We, as a community, must take all the steps possible in ensuring we protect all of God’s creations.” (from Logan)
"I enjoyed helping with children’s mass this semester. I thought the set up was good as it was a simplified version of the readings for church. It allowed to the child to still have fun while relating games and activities back to the gospel message. I look forward to continuing to help with children’s mass when needed.” (from Anna)What wonderful examples of exercising one’s spiritual gifts! (More reflections will follow)
From the Pastor
On Monday, January 6, the Vatican announced that Pope Francis had appointed Cardinal Robert McElroy of San Diego to head the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. While some US bishops have worked against Pope Francis’s vision for the Church, Cardinal McElroy has been a staunch defender of that vision. I want to share a quote by Cardinal McElroy which I recently read in an America Media article entitled Cardinal McElory on radical inclusion for LGBT people, women, and others in the Catholic Church. Cardinal McElroy said, “We must examine the contradictions in a church of inclusion and shared belonging that have been identified by the voices of the people of God in our nation and discern in synodality a pathway for moving beyond them.” Ministries Updates