Our Discernment and Visioning Ministry is launching a parish-wide survey the weekend of September 14th-15th.
Sacrament Classes Fall 2024: There will be a required parent meeting on August 28, 2024.
First Communion parents meet at 6pm in the church
Confirmation parents meet at 7pm in the church
Children's Church 24-25 School Year: We are seeking adult volunteers to work with our young children on a rotating basis.
Please contact Kelly Curry: kellymarshcurry@gmail.com
Dear Parishioners and Visitors, “Not to decide is to decide” This statement awakens within us the message delivered in today’s scripture readings. Joshua is frustrated that the Israelites had drifted from their Covenant relationship with God. Their promise to be God’s people” had drifted into a non-committal go with the flow attitude.
The disciples of Jesus found themselves at a crisis moment: either they accept the teachings and promises of Jesus, or they walk away.
Each must personally decide. Do I stay with this man who claims to be the Son of God, or is Jesus’ message just too much?
Deciding to be a committed follower of Jesus is hard. Each day we must renew our effort to strengthen our relationship with God. As we listen to, and act on the message of Jesus, our values and daily choices will meet the standards set before us by Jesus. Likewise, our relationships will reflect the love and compassion of Jesus.
Today, Jesus is calling us to seek just solutions to such crisis as immigrants fleeing for their lives, the homeless children living in cars or on the streets in our city, the lives being cut short by war and famine, and so much more. The choice is ours. Our non-involvement in social moral issues allows someone else to decide the outcome.
Jesus acknowledges that his message is hard. However, it is a message filled with “Spirit and Life.” So, when Jesus puts the question before you:” Do you want to follow me, be a drifter, or leave?” How will you respond? Only you can decide.
While we have time, let us do good. Sr. Clara
YOUR FEEDBACK MATTERS!!! The Historic Saint Paul Discernment and Visioning Ministry is launching a parish-wide survey the weekend of September 14th-15th. This is a chance to discuss how we can build community together. We will be accepting survey responses through September 28th. The survey will be available in English and Spanish and can be taken online or by paper copy. To take the survey online, the survey link will be accessible by a code in our bulletin, on our website, and sent out by email. Paper copies will also be provided during mass and at coffee and donuts on Sundays. We ask that you please complete the survey only once, either the online or paper version. We hope you will complete this brief survey so that we can better understand our parish’s interests and needs.
Sacrament Classes Fall 2024
Registration is open for First Communion and Confirmation classes this fall. Classes meet from September until May and are available for parishioners of St. Paul. There will be a required parent meeting on August 28, 2024.
First Communion parents meet at 6pm in the church. Confirmation parents meet at 7pm in the church. Registration forms in English and Spanish are available on our website.
Please contact Dcn. Steve Hester with any questions. 859-252-0738 shester@cdlex.org
St. Paul purchases and prepares a meal for 150 people on the third weekend of every month. Many hands are needed this coming weekend! Contact Susan Brown to help: sumacthree@gmail.com 859-536-0571
Open Door Lunch Ministry
During the month of July 2024, we provided 796 guests with lunches. Thank You to all who continue to supply and volunteer to make this possible. Blessings to all.
If you would like to donate, we accept lunch related items such as: water, chips, cookies, soft fruit (bananas, grapes, oranges), cupped fruits, crackers, snack bars, etc. You may bring these donations to the office between 9:00 AM —4:00 PM Monday-Friday or when you come to Mass on the weekend.