Our Communication Ministry has benefited from the incredible talent and energy of our parishioners, Abby Heverin. Post-pandemic she was a parish communications life saver and I certainly could not have accomplished anything we accomplished without her. Because of her new family and professional commitments she is stepping aside from the Communication Ministry but will continue to assist as needed. Abby sent the Constant Contact emails you received and was a wealth of information and competency. Thank you, Abby, for your service to our parish’s developing Communication Ministry. Patrick Mason leads this ministry team.
Recently our parish began a new Fortunate Families support ministry for LGBTQ people and those who love them. Deacon Steve and Melody Turpin are the leaders of this ministry that is an organic offshoot of our LGBTQ Ministry. This ministry meets monthly and you can reference the bulletin for details. I often receive a lot of credit I do not deserve; while I am the face of these ministries, I am simply the one who accompanies and supports. The real work and the people who deserve the credit are those who, often behind the scenes, tirelessly work with me and keep me in check and constantly teach me. In the Communication Ministry, Patrick Mason and Daniel Cooper (in addition to Abby) are the real gurus. In the LGBTQ Ministries, my leadership teams and go-to facilitators are the workforce: JT Hulan, Mary Lou While, Angel Michael Cobb, Melody Turpin, Deacon Steve, Nick Ralston, Brad Yelvington and Sister Clara. It is obvious, that the pastoral support and spiritual accompaniment that Fr. Richard provides is the rock-solid foundation.
I love what I do, and it is easy to love it because of these I just mentioned. When you see them, be sure to thank them. They deserve our gratitude and so much more.
Please pray for me. JR
John 6:51-58 is one of the most powerful passages in the Bible. During the bread of life discourse Jesus tells his disciples, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life.” Jesus wasn’t “kidding” or speaking metaphorically. If he was, he would have told those who found the teaching too hard and abandoned him that he didn’t mean it. The two-thousand-year tradition of the Catholic Church is that at the consecration at Mass at the words of the priest and by the power of the Holy Spirit simple bread and wine truly becomes the body and blood of Jesus. It is not a symbol; it is a miracle. In theology we call this transubstantiation. The question Catholics must ask themselves is, “If this miracle occurs at every mass and we believe that Jesus is truly with us to nourish us on our journey…then why are our churches not full?”
In the heart of Jesus, Fr. Richard Watson
Juan 6:51-58 es uno de los pasajes ma s poderosos de la Biblia. Durante el discurso del pan de vida, Jesu s les dice a sus discí pulos: “El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre tiene vida eterna”. Jesu s no estaba “bromeando” ni hablando metafo ricamente. Si lo estuviera, les habrí a dicho a quienes encontraron la ensen anza demasiado dura y lo abandonaron que no lo decí a en serio. La tradicio n de dos mil an os de la Iglesia Cato lica es que, en la consagracio n en la Misa, con las palabras del sacerdote y por el poder del Espí ritu Santo, el simple pan y el vino realmente se convierten en el cuerpo y la sangre de Jesu s. No es un sí mbolo; es un milagro. En teologí a, lo llamamos transubstanciacio n. La pregunta que los cato licos deben hacerse es: “Si este milagro ocurre en cada misa y creemos que Jesu s esta realmente con nosotros para alimentarnos en nuestro camino… entonces, ¿por que nuestras iglesias no esta n llenas?”
En el corazon de Jesus, P. Richard Watson
Parish Financial Report for the Months of June and July 2024 and Receipt for Donation to the Catholic Action Center
Register and Participate in this Year's Children's Church Program
The St. Paul's Children's Church program will begin Sunday, August 18th, during Mass. This program is for children ages 2- 6 years old and includes modified Homily with age-appropriate activities to support learning and growth in the Catholic faith.
We are seeking adult volunteers to work with our young children on a rotating basis.
Registration for Children's church will be ongoing for the next few weeks. Registration forms will be given to the children who attend and can be returned to the table by the side entrance of the church. Please contact the following for any questions: