In the first reading today, the prophet Elijah learns a valuable lesson: it’s okay to take a rest and have a snack before continuing on the Lord’s journey. Quite often our busy lives dictate that we go, go, go all the time. Time is money, as they say, and we don’t like to “waste” time on silly things like rest. The pursuit of our American dream does not leave much time for rest.
But this is not the way of God.
Right from the beginning God has advocated for restfulness. In the Creation story God rests on the seventh day. In the ten commandments God instructs us to do the same, we are to spend one day a week at rest. In the Psalms we hear of God leading us beside still waters so that we may lie down and rest. Throughout the Gospels Jesus finds time to sneak off by himself to rest and encourages his disciples to do the same. And he invites all of us who are weary to come to him for rest.
Rest is unquestioningly an important concept for the Christian. So, let’s make an intentional effort to recognize the times God is calling us to rest. As we go through this week, let us listen to the Lord. Let us heed his advice to take a moment and take it easy. Like Elijah, let us take a rest, have a snack, and then continue on with the journey.
Peace, Dcn. Steve
This weekend after mass, there will be informational meetings about the 2nd annual Guatemala mission trip to the Little Mountain School. If you have any interest or any questions about the mission trip, I will answer your questions at this brief meeting. Itineraries and registration forms will be available for those who are interested.
As you have noticed, we have been having a difficult time keeping the church cool for the weekend masses. We have had our air conditioners serviced and have found five defective motors in the units. Replacement motors have been ordered and we hope to have the situation corrected shortly. Thanks for your patience!
St. Paul purchases and prepares a meal for 150 people on the third weekend of every month. Many hands are needed this coming weekend! Contact Susan Brown to help: 859-536-0571
Open Door Lunch Ministry
During the month of July 2024, we provided 796 guests with lunches. Thank You to all who continue to supply and volunteer to make this possible. Blessings to all.
If you would like to donate, we accept lunch related items such as: water, chips, cookies, soft fruit (bananas, grapes, oranges), cupped fruits, crackers, snack bars, etc. You may bring these donations to the office between 9:00 AM —4:00 PM Monday-Friday or when you come to Mass on the weekend.