Having been in contact with Susan Brown who is the point-person for our Ministers of Hospitality, and after discussions with Fr. Richard, Sr. Clara, and our Historic Saint Paul COVID19 Medical Response Team we have determined an urgent need if we are going to be able to open our doors for limited Mass attendance the weekend of May 30 & 31, and for subsequent evening masses and weekend masses.
We must find at least 25 healthy people who are not considered vulnerable to serve as Hospitality Ministers at the masses. We will need between 6 and 8 for each mass to facilitate the protocols that must be in place and to retain order in social distancing and regimenting the attendees for communion, entering and exiting the church building. You would need to be at church 40 minutes prior to a scheduled Mass and you will require special training. We will do the training via Zoom.
Without these Hospitality Ministers we cannot open. Our usual Hospitality Ministers are largely in the vulnerable population and cannot be present at masses.
If you are willing to help, please send me an email asap and we will arrange a training Zoom session.