About 40 of the most vulnerable among our homeless sisters and brothers at the Catholic Action Center - those over 60 years of age - will be taken to the former Cliffview Retreat Center for the next 30 days to keep them from becoming infected with COVID-19. The Catholic Action Center has a generous partnership to supply meals but are in need of a some items that hopefully, we can share:
+ SNACKS - cookies, chips, pretzels, nutrition bars (whatever you like to eat as a snack)
+ HAND SANITIZER (maybe you have some extra you could share?)
+ ALOE BY THE GALLON (They mix it with rubbing alcohol for a sanitizer)
While we are rightfully concerned about ourselves and our needs and should take every precaution to guard against infecting others and becoming infected, it is our responsibility to be "Living Water" to the most vulnerable among us. Jesus meets us at the well of our pantries and checkbooks and asks us for a drink of water; the Gospel I read this weekend is made real when we respond to Jesus as he comes to us
today in those who need us.
Historic Saint Paul Parish is known as a diverse faith community that responds to the needs of those on the margins. Once again, even in our fear we must reach out and embrace Jesus in those the Catholic Action Center serves so beautifully - we must be the loving Heart of Jesus for all those beyond the doors of our church building.
Please bring whatever you can share to the parish office during our office hours -
Monday 12:30pm -3:30pm, and Tuesday through
Friday 9:30am - 3:30pm. Or, take it directly to the Catholic Action Center.
Let us pray for one another, and for those among us who are sick and the most vulnerable. Also, let us continue to reach out - even as we abide by social distancing - so that no one feels alone.